Social Security Number

A nine-digit Social Security number is issued to the U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) individuals. It helps the government accurately record an individual’s covered wages or self-employment earnings. It is also used to monitor the record once an individual starts getting benefits.


You need a Social Security number to get a job, collect Social Security benefits and get some other government services. But you don’t often need to show your Social Security card. Do not carry your card with you. Keep it in a safe place with your other important papers.

An international student may not obtain a social security number unless the student has a job offer and valid employment authorization.

For more information, please visit:
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Prince Kuhio Federal Building
300 Ala Moana Boulevard, Room 1123 (ground floor)

State of Hawaii Identification Card

You are NOT REQUIRED to have a State ID.  It is voluntary and usually for people who don’t have a driver’s license and would not want to carry their passport around. You will need the following documents to obtain a Hawaii State ID.

  1. Valid passport with visa
  2. Form I-94 (arrival/departure card in passport)
  3. SEVIS Form 1-20 or Form DS-2019
  4. Social Security card if you have one
  5. $15 cash

You will be fingerprinted and photographed and an identification card will be issued to you immediately.


For more information, please visit the closest office at:
925 Dillingham Boulevard
Phone: (808) 768-9100
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. HST, Monday – Friday
Except holidays